(The Healthiest Humans On The Planet Exploit This)
How we plan to help you become a healthier, stronger, fitter human in 2025
Is it possible to look like a physique competitor and have the aerobic capacity of a runner?
Why frequently changing your workouts could be harming your results
Ask yourself these 3 questions to help turn your New Years resolutions into long term habits
Are you putting too much energy into the end goal and not enough into the system needed to achieve it?
Allow exercise to become part of your life without it taking over
Find out how Bakewell Personal Trainers quest to run a sub 20 minute 5k is going after 12 weeks of training
Personal Trainer in Bakewell show's you how to build a great looking body whilst also improving your running performance.
If you go to a gym in Bakewell or a gym in Wilmslow and your body is not changing here are 5 reasons why and what to do about it
6 fat loss mistakes the people of Bakewell and Wilmslow are making right now
Learn how to achieve anything you want even when things don't go to plan 93% of the time
I asked 4 of my running mates how they got so good at running. This is what they said...
Why talent is not enough, playing in the premier league and finding your purpose
8 years of business lessons since opening our first FITISM gym in 2013