I’m Not Ready Yet: A Private Letter

How To Live A Fit, Healthy Life Before Joining The Gym


I may not know you yet but I understand your predicament.

You’re fully aware that improving your health and fitness is a good idea.

You know that a gym like FITISM will guide, support and encourage you but for one reason or another you just aren’t ready to reach out.

I get it. It can feel like such a big step and you have to be in the right frame of mind to take that step.

Here are a few things you can do to make positive steps towards living a healthier, fitter life without joining the gym…

1 Enhance Your Awareness

If you are reading this blog then you’re already aware. You know you should, but for whatever reason you can’t / don’t want to. To be aware is an important first step so do not underestimate how far you have come already! 

As you are aware you don’t need convincing that exercise and healthy eating is a good idea – to push the point could only push you further away, so do not worry this blog will not try to convince you. 

What I recommend is that you start changing your ability to notice, expand and narrow your awareness. 

To do so you might want to consider dipping your toe in. By doing so will help you experience it mentally and physically without any commitment or external pressures.

Start zooming in on small healthy habits that if adopted could elevate your health. 

Then ask yourself:

- How difficult would it be? 

- Could I find enjoyment in it?

- How would it make me feel?

- What person would I become if I did it consistently?

This will expand your scope and connect you to a new reality. Perhaps more importantly it will help you to start connecting with the person you would become mentally, emotionally and physically. 

To look deeply is a powerful step that will move you closer to taking action. To see past your current reality, to realise what could be might otherwise feel impossible. 

2 Guiding Principles

Principles not rules. In the game of health and fitness there are no rules. Rules have limits. Principles are undeniable truths that serve to guide you towards a new reality. 

As you are currently in a state of contemplation, the following health and fitness principles will give you the framework you need to help ‘dip your toe’ in and ‘enhance your awareness’, as discussed in step 1. 

Read, absorb and take the following guiding health and fitness principle as you move to step 3.

‘Move more. Eat less bad stuff. Eat more good stuff.’

Got it? 


You’re now ready for step 3.

3 Look For Clues

The key here is to stay in a state of contemplation. Don’t commit to anything. You do not even need to tell anyone. All you need to do is commit 1 day of your life to the following 3 steps:

1. Move more (try using the step counter on your phone as a guide to move movement)

2. Eating a little less bad stuff (think processed food)

3. Eating some more good stuff (think natural food)

At the end of the day ask yourself the following questions…

- Was it hard?

- How did it make me feel?

- Could I see myself doing this more often?

If you answer ‘yes, rubbish and no’ that’s okay. Don’t see this as a failure. Remain aware. Stay open minded and keep looking for clues.

If you answer ‘no, great and yes’  you might be ready to move from a state of contemplation to action but only if you’re ready. No one can force you, if they do you’re likely to fail. 

If, however, you’re ready to commit to a change and want our help, our doors are always open.

Good luck!


PS. If you are new to FITISM, ready to get in shape and would like our help click the button below.

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